the past few months have been quite hectic and i can't believe that they're gone. the end of september seems like such a long time ago, and yet it feels like the interceding time has gone by in nearly the blink of an eye. there's so much that has happened...
December 23, 2011
November 19, 2011
need for a new abjd category
so i was just looking over the new tin man po-11 from pipos and realized that it's part of a still emerging trend in bjds: automatons.
doll musings
November 12, 2011
years ago my friends and i used to say that music was our religion because of how much it is a part of our lives. tonight i had a moment in a crowded theater with everyone singing nearing the end of a spectacular show that it hit me that i was in the midst of an experience that epitomizes just such a religion. it was beyond amazing. 11/11/11 at 11:11:11 was an amazing moment. the procession after from the moore to the sculpture park with everyone continuing to chant is something that will never cease to be a favorite moment in time. thank you chris for sharing it with me. oh, and i got to start off everything with holding amanda palmer's hand and talking to yeah, great night was great!
October 5, 2011
a farewell upon passing...
dear steve -
you are one of the greatest innovators of the emerging computing era. you did a lot in your life and will be missed by more people than you could possibly imagine. you've opened doors and changed industries. you've set the world on fire with the inventions your company has released. you are a visionary. i never knew you and likely never would have, but you touched my life and changed it. for what it's worth: thank you. your legacy will live on and the world will continue - but greater for what you have done.
goodbye. <3
you are one of the greatest innovators of the emerging computing era. you did a lot in your life and will be missed by more people than you could possibly imagine. you've opened doors and changed industries. you've set the world on fire with the inventions your company has released. you are a visionary. i never knew you and likely never would have, but you touched my life and changed it. for what it's worth: thank you. your legacy will live on and the world will continue - but greater for what you have done.
goodbye. <3
September 29, 2011
of rocks
today started off like any other day: i woke up, was amazed that i didn't end up taking off the brace on my ankle during the night (for once), hated my alarm, stumbled around getting ready and headed out the door to work. the bus was on time, i got to work on time, i clocked in and started going about my normal routine. things were going well. nothing was out of the ordinary, really. then the hr manager stopped by and told everyone we were about to have an all-employee meeting.
September 8, 2011
azhrafael the fallen
this past weekend i got to visit with kasa and she asked i do an impromptu shoot of her sard, azhrafael. i obliged and here are the selected photos from the shoot. there are a few repeats as i played around with colors, i just wanted to post them all here. enjoy! ^_^
doll photography,
friend's dolls,
September 6, 2011
lazy summer days
haven't been posting much of late, but i will continue to blame it on being busy. ;) in any case, have a photoshoot from today! :D
doll photography,
August 13, 2011
July 7, 2011
a dream that won't go away
last night i had a dream. it won't go away. it won't leave me alone. it's wanted me back.
and i've wanted it.
and i've wanted it.
June 27, 2011
saw neil gaiman do a reading from american gods and then answer questions in a q&a this evening. was great! really wish i could someday pick his brain about character, world, and story building. doubt i'll ever get the chance, but tonight was amazing. hearing him read live was really something...i got chills during the first selection especially. lots of great stories and peeks into his mind during the q&a. :) came away with four signed books, too! (had bought the 10th anniversary author's preferred text version of american gods, then bought fragile things, the graveyard book, and odd and the frost giants.)
June 14, 2011
been a long time
so i've been busy the past few months...missed a month of posting anything here for the first time in a long while. but, well, con and then uncanny dream took over my life. now life is just being blah...lots to do, little motivation. XD
articulated fantasy,
chic line,
d. silvia,
elijah prophet,
homemade clothes,
uncanny dream,
April 25, 2011
post-con rambling
so sakura-con was this past weekend. lots of fun and hanging out with friends. there were thankfully more good times than bad. i was somewhat miserable, though, thanks to major allergies all last week. :(
April 3, 2011
uncanny dream::articulated fantasy 2011
this year we are starting a new bjd convention/expo here in seattle! it will be a one day event held on may 29th from 12-6pm. there will be diorama displays by myself and six other customizers, vendors, swap, music, and regular meet activities. tons of stuff all packed into one awesome day! :D
go here for more information: uncanny dream::articulated fantasy 2011
hope to see everyone there!
go here for more information: uncanny dream::articulated fantasy 2011
hope to see everyone there!
articulated fantasy,
uncanny dream
March 31, 2011
sakura-con panels!
{copy/paste from resin+ :) }
Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce that resin+ and The BJDcast will be presenting BJD panels at this year's Sakura-con! We will be working hard to bring you all panels that are informative and helpful. That being said, if you have a particular question or something that you would like us to cover, please leave a comment here and we will work it into the panels! (If you have a question about the panels, however, we will answer it here of course.) :)
Please note that times and room can change. I will update here if they do or, if it is last minute, will make sure to get the word out to as many people as possible.
[b]Asian Ball Jointed Dolls: An Introduction[/b]
Ever see someone wandering around con carrying a large doll and wonder what it is? Interested in Asian Ball Jointed Dolls (ABJD) and don't know where to start? This is the panel for you! In this panel you will be introduced to what ABJD are, the basics of the hobby and putting one together, as well as where to find out more about them beyond what is presented. If you have any questions, please bring them as there will be an ample Q&A in the latter half of the panel!
[i]Rating:[/i] SC-PG
[i]Room:[/i] Panels & Workshops - 607
[i]Start Time:[/i] 12:15:00PM - Sunday 24 April 2011
[i]Duration: [/i]1.5 hours
[b]Asian Ball Jointed Dolls: Advanced & Beyond[/b]
Have you been to other Asian Ball Jointed Doll (ABJD) panels? Do you have one and wonder what else there is that you can do with your doll? Welcome to ABJD 201 & Beyond! In this panel we will discuss everything from basic customization to the more intense customizations: face-ups, hybrids, additive and subtractive modifications among others. Also included in discussion will be tools, techniques, and advanced care and maintenance with a restringing demonstration. Come with your questions and we will do our best to answer them!
[i]Rating: [/i]SC-PG
[i]Room: [/i]Panels & Workshops - 607
[i]Start Time: [/i]02:00:00PM - Sunday 24 April 2011
Duration: 2 hours
Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce that resin+ and The BJDcast will be presenting BJD panels at this year's Sakura-con! We will be working hard to bring you all panels that are informative and helpful. That being said, if you have a particular question or something that you would like us to cover, please leave a comment here and we will work it into the panels! (If you have a question about the panels, however, we will answer it here of course.) :)
Please note that times and room can change. I will update here if they do or, if it is last minute, will make sure to get the word out to as many people as possible.
[b]Asian Ball Jointed Dolls: An Introduction[/b]
Ever see someone wandering around con carrying a large doll and wonder what it is? Interested in Asian Ball Jointed Dolls (ABJD) and don't know where to start? This is the panel for you! In this panel you will be introduced to what ABJD are, the basics of the hobby and putting one together, as well as where to find out more about them beyond what is presented. If you have any questions, please bring them as there will be an ample Q&A in the latter half of the panel!
[i]Rating:[/i] SC-PG
[i]Room:[/i] Panels & Workshops - 607
[i]Start Time:[/i] 12:15:00PM - Sunday 24 April 2011
[i]Duration: [/i]1.5 hours
[b]Asian Ball Jointed Dolls: Advanced & Beyond[/b]
Have you been to other Asian Ball Jointed Doll (ABJD) panels? Do you have one and wonder what else there is that you can do with your doll? Welcome to ABJD 201 & Beyond! In this panel we will discuss everything from basic customization to the more intense customizations: face-ups, hybrids, additive and subtractive modifications among others. Also included in discussion will be tools, techniques, and advanced care and maintenance with a restringing demonstration. Come with your questions and we will do our best to answer them!
[i]Rating: [/i]SC-PG
[i]Room: [/i]Panels & Workshops - 607
[i]Start Time: [/i]02:00:00PM - Sunday 24 April 2011
Duration: 2 hours
March 27, 2011
rip dwj
it's amazing that the thing to make me cry for the first time in over a year is this blog post by neil gaiman about the passing of diana wynne jones. i never knew her personally, i wish that i could have. i've one of her books that's been sitting here waiting for me to read it for a bit now, in fact. her books have always been inspired and inspiring and she has been one of my favorite authors to read (and re-read) since i was young. her passing marks the close of yet another chapter in the tome of great authors.
rest in peace, diana. i hope that whatever afterlife you believed in has welcomed you warmly. know that the little pieces of yourself that you have shared with the world will continue to blossom and spread dreams in the minds of those they touch. you inspired at least one young girl to dream of magic and to believe that even the outcasts can be heroes after all. thank you. <3
rest in peace, diana. i hope that whatever afterlife you believed in has welcomed you warmly. know that the little pieces of yourself that you have shared with the world will continue to blossom and spread dreams in the minds of those they touch. you inspired at least one young girl to dream of magic and to believe that even the outcasts can be heroes after all. thank you. <3
March 26, 2011
uninspired and uninspiring
i can't help but feel like there's no point for me to even try sometimes. even on as nice and relaxing a day as today the feeling persists.
articulated fantasy,
uncanny dream
March 6, 2011
unhappiness for the con
putting this under the cut because i'm angry and it needs to be read in full and not just in part...
March 2, 2011
three years, one week, and one day
so, my fullset feeple65 roke dragon knight arrived tuesday. finally! i ended up meeting up with kireix and making a mad dash across the hill after work to see if i could free him from the postal overlords holding him hostage and was successful! yay!
February 22, 2011
amber finally completed!
so it ended up taking me about three days...after a year and about five months since her arrival. -_- anyway, i used an airbrush for the first time ever when doing her. my application to a 3-d surface leaves something to be desired, but i did as well as i expected. had to redo everything, though, since the first attempt i was trying stuff out and being lazy by the end. yeah...anyway, everyone who has seen her face and commented has said how much they really like her. :D on top of that, now that i have her restrung, she's standing better and more solidly than before, and her arms are holding better. i know it is a combination of tightening her stringing some and the msc, but the modification that i made to her knees (especially the right one) have helped immensely and she is standing pretty much like a rock. :) so happy to finally have her done...and a special thanks again to her "fairy godmother" miss ally for helping me to obtain her two years ago now (has it really been that long?)!
February 21, 2011
year three anniversary
so today was the end of year three and the start of year four. i can't believe that i've had winter and azerian for this long already! i've spent today and yesterday working on my unnamed amber. did my first and second airbrushing attempts on her. definitely a better job the second time around. XD i am fudging my rules for the yearly photo a little and will be having some work finished after the anniversary in order to have at least one more doll that is currently in bits back together for the photo. also, edric is still away in canada getting all pretty, so he will likely not be in the photos (unless it takes me 6+ months again).
anyway, just wanted to put up a quick note to celebrate! ^_^
anyway, just wanted to put up a quick note to celebrate! ^_^
doll musings,
February 8, 2011
annihilate me
i'm hitting a new low tonight for the first time in months. i don't care if i feel selfish for telling friends that i'm depressed or putting it up on here (like anyone even looks at this thing except me and random searches pulling up random things i've linked to). at this point, i'm pretty down in the dumps. it's that time of year that i'm ready to just say fuck it and want everything to just end. the worst time of year for me. *sigh* fuck.
i feel like a bitch even putting it out there that i don't feel happy. it's such a comfortable mask to hide behind pretending for the world that i'm strong and happy - or, well, normal and somewhat satisfied. it feels like i'm trying to get some attention, but at the same time this makes me feel worse. why can't things be fine? why can't i feel like there's no pressure? why can't i have the basic things that others take for granted?
the pressure is building of these days it's going to annihilate me...
i feel like a bitch even putting it out there that i don't feel happy. it's such a comfortable mask to hide behind pretending for the world that i'm strong and happy - or, well, normal and somewhat satisfied. it feels like i'm trying to get some attention, but at the same time this makes me feel worse. why can't things be fine? why can't i feel like there's no pressure? why can't i have the basic things that others take for granted?
the pressure is building of these days it's going to annihilate me...
February 1, 2011
some authors
so, i told a friend i'd put up a list of authors that i like. here is a list in no particular order and just off the top of my head (for the most part).
January 23, 2011
seems like forever
so, it seems like forever since i've written anything here - and, really, it has been. lately it just feels worthless to do much, if anything, here. i haven't been editing photos to put up (which i should) and i haven't been taking any new ones really (again, i should, but weekends are the only time i have when it is light out at this time of year and i am typically trying to get other things done). *sigh* whatever.
January 4, 2011
check one two
does anyone even really actually read this thing? i bet not...*sigh* anyway...i'm being busy in a creative dolly way since early last week. i want to do a proper blog post, but it'll have to wait. somehow each night this week ends up being 9pm-ish by the time i get to sit down and do things. -_- that being the case, what you get is picspam that i took tonight in response to a request in the mnf discussion thread on doa. now...on to more work, maybe food, and finishing watching spaced...

dark elf soo,
doll photography,
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