December 16, 2012

on opinions in the hobby...

there are some people in this hobby i wish i could slap with a salmon...and then a frying pan...seriously, you are not an expert nor is your opinion the be all, end all. i respect your opinion, but stop preaching it like it is the only opinion people can have. if someone asks a question and people give answers, don't outright discount them because they aren't what you agree with. or don't jump in and tell someone how wrong they are because you think something is some way. most of all, don't speak as if you are an authority on what a company should do because they owe it to their customers.

disagree with me all you like, but check your facts, admit when you are wrong, and don't act like a jerk to someone because they are not 100% in line with what you have to say. because of people like that, there are more and more lurkers, there are confessions that can be pretty nasty or express being afraid to get into the hobby. there are people who are scared to step into discussions or go to meets, people who have had a bad experience and see this behavior and then assume that the rest of the people in the hobby are the same.

yes, i have my own opinions on things, but i try to be open to other opinions. i have had my mind changed about things i felt strongly on because i didn't immediately attack someone for having a difference of opinion. i let them speak and heard their argument; i learned and reformed my own opinion with that new knowledge. yes, i have participated in discussions and had my facts slightly off, but i have admitted i was wrong or apologized as needed and corrected my knowledge. i have watched as so much opined misinformation gets spouted as fact and my cautions and corrections are attacked that i mostly bite my tongue and don't comment anymore because saying things has done no good. i only offer my opinion publicly on most things anymore when asked and do not volunteer it freely.

all of this being said, think before you speak. if you are posting something about a company as a fact, check your facts first instead of posting conjecture as truth. don't brush someone's opinion off as wrong just because it is different, maybe they have greater experience or more facts about something than you.

if any of my followers or anyone reading this would like to engage in a discussion or has questions about anything, please feel free to contact me. if i don't know about something and can't answer a question, i'll try to point you in the right direction. if you simply wish to discuss something, i'm open to it. i like to share what small knowledge i have, meet people in the hobby, and learn from others' knowledge about things.

November 8, 2012

one year ago

one year ago i was out drinking with my coworkers saying goodbye. goodbye to the company that we had worked at for years, some longer than others. goodbye to our safe, comfortable lives. goodbye to the people that we had come to know and the work we liked. it was bittersweet and so we had a proper wake. we shared memories and stories, laughed and drank and ate. as much as i didn't like some of them, i still miss quite a few of the rest. i don't think anything was as sad as going in to work the next day as one of the transition team and having to deal with the interlopers. they were quiet and subdued as they took away the remnants of our livelihoods. the days that followed were too quiet, too somber.

i can't believe that it's been a year...more so, i can't believe that i miss that place so much.

October 28, 2012

falling apart

so it's been a little over a month since i last posted, but it has gone by so fast. my schedule now causes work to take up so much of my life that the days blur together. this is also the first weekend in a while that i haven't been out doing things. in the past month i've spent my weekends out and about seeing the tut exhibit, at doll meets, and at doll shows. i've been so busy on the weekends that i finally had to decide not to go anywhere this one. sadly, that meant i gave up going to steam-con yet again. but i won't be sad about that as going even for a day would have done more harm than good (i couldn't really move yesterday morning due to immense pain in my lower back - like, crippling pain).

September 23, 2012

four years and seven months...

after this much time and two previous tries, it has finally happened. everything has fallen into place and azerian is finally compete. or, well, nearly...he still needs to be painted, but we all know how that now all i have to do is clean up his head and paint him. after this much time i'm hoping that most of the yellowing is the old style msc i sprayed him with ages ago...but i kinda doubt it. i've no idea if he was cleaned up during his adventure to england or not...or what else may have occurred. if it is all or mostly him, i'll be trying to lighten him a little. can't wait until his body mellows some! i'm loving the f60 body, though, and am so happy to have it for him. it is the body i wanted for him all along. now to go buy more dollheart for him...

long awaited

so at my first meet aaaages ago i saw a bluefairy and got to handle her. since then i've wanted a bluefairy may, but just somehow never got one. well, earlier this summer they had a special release for the baked skin marine may full set. i emailed them and waited for the drawing, partially fearful that i'd get her, partially that i wouldn't. i'd planned out getting a normal skin may sometime in august, so getting her early kinda put a kink in my plans - especially with the dollshe event. i got the email from bluefairy and debated maybe five minutes before deciding i'd go ahead and order her. she arrived on the 10th and i couldn't be happier!

September 8, 2012

today is...

a day I feel more and more like I shouldn’t have bothered leaving my apartment. it’s just been weird person after weird person and stuff. right now I’m supposedly at a meet that started 30 minutes ago…but I’m the only person here. u_u yeah, maybe I shouldn’t have left my apartment…things will get better from here, I have my apple snow and will get delicious food and enjoy myself despite everyone not being here!

August 10, 2012

less than zero

i guess priorities fall where they may, but sometimes it's really depressing to find out you just don't seem to register at all on the scale. welcome to the land of less than zero. u_u

July 5, 2012


omg whyyyyyyyy? whyyyyyyyyyy fairyland????? whyyyyyyyyyyy? TAT right when i've bought the bf marine may.....right when i'm in the middle of a soom layaway....right when i'm in the midst of paying off a dollshe van....NOW is when you decide to release the feeple60 line?!?!?!?!?!? the line i've been waiting for FOREVER?!?!?!?!? DO YOU HATE ME????? *weeps in a corner, rocking all of the heads needing bodies*

June 30, 2012


i'm sure by now everyone has heard about how dollshe is doing yet another sale - this time as a staged final sale of his current sculpts. it's up to interpretation what it means: the end of dollshe? new sculpts and discontinuation of the current line? discontinuation of the current line, but possibly a return of the old "temporarily discontinued" sculpts? an entire revamp? who knows, dollshe is capricious. all i know is that i am finally getting one of my dream dolls: van.

May 5, 2012

the worst part is when you name them...

seriously, it is... >_<

since fairyland released their tan c-lines i've wanted a rou in that particular color - even said it when those two were released. i want him to go along with dante. now, today, i've been playing with her and taking some photos since i finally have some c-line clothing (besides underwear and her default outfit), and i just thought up what his name would be. big mistake since now i'm gonna be waiting and hoping that they bring them back and do something special where they offer rou in tan. *sigh* that or i'll break down and get one in ws and have him dyed...which could fail miserably.

oh, his name you ask? it would be spiro faustus.

...why yes, i AM a huge nerd... >_>

April 28, 2012

come back to me

just wanted to write a quick little has been super busy this past month! first was sakura-con, then starting a new job, plus moving to a temporary apartment at the same time! i'm nearly done moving after two weeks...*sigh* had to get things fixed that they left undone, then actually move. now i'm down to odds and ends, my bed, and fridge. the fridge in the temp apartment makes a horrible rattling noise, so they were supposed to get rid of it today and move the fridge from my apartment in...yeah, didn't happen. >_< the building manager is gonna be so happy when i tell her monday...

anyway. the other exciting news is that i received two boxes from korea today! i received my iple clothing order a month ahead of what i expected and a rather large box from soom. two weeks after i paid off victoria, they shipped her out! :D she's a bronze vesuvia! <3 soooooooo happy to have her! plus the bronze will indeed work beautifully for what i have planned. oh, on top of that, she has all three sets of feet! complete surprise since soom is only sending the fantasy parts with the special order dolls. by that logic and what i gather they have said, she should have only had the partial feet and scorpion high heel shoes. instead i was so happy to find that she had those as well as both high heel and flat feet! :D yay!!! now i can spend a fortune on shoes!!!! XD

March 21, 2012

on ouat theories

so there are a bunch of ouat theories out there that i’ve been reading since the last episode that seem to be focusing on rumplestiltskin knowing something more than someone normally would, on the potions being either part of the curse or not, and on snow and charming being the key in that their true love is what rumple was able to bottle. there’s also the timeline someone put together of the eps in chronological order according to the fairytale storyline (sorry, forgot where it is as i saw it right after skin deep). the point was made that in the chronological story rumple becomes more miserable and more of an alcoholic as the story progresses. i don’t generally put out my own theories on things, but i’ve been thinking a lot about these things…

March 15, 2012

photographic annoyances

so i was just looking at some threads on doa and, in a couple of them, people were talking about their photography. one person said their photos weren't "professional" and apologized. i assume that the reasoning is that the photos have no backdrop or setting aside from the kitchen table, etc. do people not realize that their photos aren't actually professional unless they are themselves a professional photographer? do people not realize that professional means that it is your profession? your job? seriously. snapshots are okay when you just want to show something off. photography is a hobby for most people. within the bjd hobby it is an attendant hobby. you don't have to take pro style shots. hell, most of the photos that people think of as professional aren't really all that close in my opinion.

March 13, 2012

to that final frontier...

i just watched a video of neil de grasse tyson talking about nasa and its budget. the whole time i sat here trying not to be sad because we have basically pulled out of the space race.

March 7, 2012

just a quick note...

just a quick note to say that i'm still alive. i've not really been doing much other than looking for a new job, wasting time online, and reading books lately. there's a bunch of things i should probably do, but i just don't. that includes things that i really should have done some time ago but just can't seem to muster up the motivation for. the 21st marked year 4 come and gone. never did get around to taking year 3 pictures. anyway...

February 14, 2012

PSA: valentine's edition

debated posting this to fb, but decided to post here instead so as to avoid the shitstorm it might cause since i don't feel up to the drama:

i am now older

tick tock goes the clock and i get older until it stops.

January 30, 2012

the ever pressing wig question...

so the question that always seems to be asked every page or so in the minifee discussion on doa is "what size wig should i use?" or, well, some variation thereon. i've answered several times recently and, just now, answered yet again with the following:

January 19, 2012

let it snow!

people don't seem to understand how much i love the snow. if i had it my way, it would snow all winter long. snow is just beautiful and happiness for me. i don't like when people go tromping through the few pristine spots outside my window just to be assholes, or the ugly sanded roads, but i can live with it. nor do i like the traffic snarls it causes, but that's not the point. i love watching it fall, the silence of the world and the music of the flakes as they hit the window or whatever is covering my head when outside. i love that strange light that only comes with snow. there's nothing like being out in the middle of a normally busy place and just experiencing that all alone - though i love being out in the middle of nowhere with the snow more.