January 23, 2011

seems like forever

so, it seems like forever since i've written anything here - and, really, it has been. lately it just feels worthless to do much, if anything, here. i haven't been editing photos to put up (which i should) and i haven't been taking any new ones really (again, i should, but weekends are the only time i have when it is light out at this time of year and i am typically trying to get other things done). *sigh* whatever.

i've been busy with work as usual and have, remarkably, had most of my weekends completely free. it's nice and i have been trying to work on projects both then and after work. of course, it's harder after work since that's suck a limited amount of time to do things in. as for weekends...the first two were productive. the first weekend i was back home and working on dolls (massive fail) and the second weekend i had a day to work on things, and then a doll meet the next. last weekend and this weekend have been spent sick and in recovery. everyone's been sick at work lately and, of course, i caught it and started coming down with it two days before a long weekend. -_- so not fun. i did a lot that weekend when i probably should have been resting instead. but it scuttled my plans to work on my dolls. since then, i've been trying to recover, but still can't do the work i want to do since i can't really breathe well - that means wearing a mask is right out.

doll work that i did manage to do before getting sick includes (starting with the last week of december when i took off of work to hang out at home with my family): cleaned and sanded amber then first coating of msc; cleaned and sanded des; cleaned and painted dd centaur; modded mnf hands and feet on most of them; pattern for a dress for friend's doll; a little crochet. sadly, when i was at home and spraying the amber and dd centaur, my family got a little whiff of the msc smell and freaked out. thus was i relegated to spraying outside part way through the initial spray. T_T so horrible as the weather did not get above 35f for the most part. amber is okay with only a few little spots where the msc is a little wonky, but seeing as she is ws, it doesn't matter much. the dd centaur has me in a sad state, though, as she was pretty much perfect and then...fail. total fail. T_T she clouded some on her legs and ever bit of her tan bits have major clouding after the final spray. i wish i could have sprayed inside or waited, but i feared that the blushing would come off. i was only able to salvage her legs. now i need to clean her off and repaint.

anyway. hopefully i can breathe well enough again next weekend so that i can get her repainted and try to paint the des. i also need to really get going on clothing. *sigh* so many dolls need clothing...and i want to try to get some basic stuff made up to sell. hopefully it sells better than the blankets...

let's see...the leeke order came in and one of the wigs in the grab bag i got is perfect for the des. so now she has a wig and i am one step closer to having her done. :) now i just need the right eyes and to hope that the pastel colors i got are right...and get the extra bits i want for her along with making her something to wear so that people aren't freaked by her being naked in public. >_>

dante got her first gun, a luger, and at the same time i got some items for the mnf. i'm currently waiting on more from the same shop that i got all of that from and will be being very happy because it means more props! yay props! oh, the leeke order also meant a wig for azerian and eyes for oracle. so much more in love with oracle now. i was worried that the two sets of eyes i'd ordered wouldn't work at all, and am sooooo glad that one set does. they're a little too high dome and so gap, but i can deal. other things that have come...let's see...got new wigs for lavinia and winter since there were actually wigs in their colors in stock in their sizes. happy to have wigs that are nice for them and not have to worry about ruining their current ones with no backups. i'm sure there's some other random little bits and pieces that i've gotten otherwise as well...

hmm...trying to remember what all has happened...christmas was good. my brother - and his girlfriend - visited for the first time in two years. was nice to see them, but not nice to deal with the attitudes they copped at times. especially when my brother started annoying everyone on purpose by being a general ass. -_- it was a good visit home overall, though. my brother cleaned out his storage and brought stuff home, so i was able to get his airbrush. woo! now i just have to sit down and rtfm and figure out how to use it. need to apply knowledge to application! um...dad got me a new dremel for christmas, so now i have a nice new one that will hopefully be easier to use than the big clunky one i was borrowing from him. got a ton of bits with it as well, so i am set for quite some time. lol

oh! i ordered both of the feeple65 fullsets! i've been holding out for forever it seems for a 60cm feeple body that is improved over the delf line one for all of my floating heads and, well, 65cm is fine by me! ^_^ i'm so happy that everything fell into place to let me get them. i'm getting all of the event items with them as well. :D can't wait! they should be arriving in march - hopefully early march. i was probably one of the very first to order them and had tried to get the combo set, but paypal freaked out and wouldn't let me pay like i wanted, so i had to order separately through fairyland and featherfall. that being the case, the girl will probably end up arriving a week or so after the boy. they won't be keeping the roke and cloe heads though as the bodies are meant for azerian and demonia. very happy to finally be giving azerian a body and am on track with what i had hoped for demonia. :) i'm not giving the heads characters, but will be keeping them. maybe in the future i will get them different bodies. maybe.

otherwise not much else is happening. i'm waiting on orders to come in from various places and spending too much money, but that's typical. need to really buckle down and save for japan. need at least several thousand set aside specifically for that trip - not including airfare and hotel. um...yeah...okay...i should maybe go work on something productive now...

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