so it ended up taking me about three days...after a year and about five months since her arrival. -_- anyway, i used an airbrush for the first time ever when doing her. my application to a 3-d surface leaves something to be desired, but i did as well as i expected. had to redo everything, though, since the first attempt i was trying stuff out and being lazy by the end. yeah...anyway, everyone who has seen her face and commented has said how much they really like her. :D on top of that, now that i have her restrung, she's standing better and more solidly than before, and her arms are holding better. i know it is a combination of tightening her stringing some and the msc, but the modification that i made to her knees (especially the right one) have helped immensely and she is standing pretty much like a rock. :) so happy to finally have her done...and a special thanks again to her "fairy godmother" miss ally for helping me to obtain her two years ago now (has it really been that long?)!
some pictures to show her off!
tattoo that she ended up with on a whim (in graphite, a little pastel enhancement has been done since this picture on the lower section)
airbrushed bits
together again
more to come later...i have a ton of photos from the past three months to go through first... @_@
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