August 25, 2008

radio flyer

had some fun a week ago with reese and ren on the spur of the moment. here's the result!


August 16, 2008

good things come in small packages part 2

this morning my second puki package arrived! this time the box was straight from fairyland and filled with awesome. :)

please welcome my puki pipi ren! she's the snowflake fairy full set and, on a super hot day like today, how i wish she'd have brought the snow along! ^_^*

on to the main event!

box! cute image on the outside, newspapers with some cute images inside as well as...

good things come in small packages part 1

my puki flora arrived on thursday...and i'm just now finally posting pictures of the box opening... -_-* well, i guess that's what happens when you're super busy. :)

anyway...she was a little unexpected in the immediate lineup of dolls to get, but i just couldn't resist! i couldn't resist so much that, yes, there is a part 2 coming up hopefully later this weekend. in any case, please help me in welcoming reese!
winter: why am i here?
fen: because there's something in that box for you, too.

August 2, 2008

and now for something completely different...

so yeah...go me with the blogging, right? ;P well, today i'm being somewhat productive! kinda...not are some photos of some figurines i have! randomness abounds! :D