September 29, 2011

of rocks

today started off like any other day: i woke up, was amazed that i didn't end up taking off the brace on my ankle during the night (for once), hated my alarm, stumbled around getting ready and headed out the door to work. the bus was on time, i got to work on time, i clocked in and started going about my normal routine. things were going well. nothing was out of the ordinary, really. then the hr manager stopped by and told everyone we were about to have an all-employee meeting.

September 8, 2011

azhrafael the fallen

this past weekend i got to visit with kasa and she asked i do an impromptu shoot of her sard, azhrafael. i obliged and here are the selected photos from the shoot. there are a few repeats as i played around with colors, i just wanted to post them all here. enjoy! ^_^

September 6, 2011

lazy summer days

haven't been posting much of late, but i will continue to blame it on being busy. ;) in any case, have a photoshoot from today! :D