April 25, 2011

post-con rambling

so sakura-con was this past weekend. lots of fun and hanging out with friends. there were thankfully more good times than bad. i was somewhat miserable, though, thanks to major allergies all last week. :(

i started off the weekend in lolita. looked cute, had fun, ruined my foot. :) changed later in the day to regular clothing since the convention center was hot and i couldn't breathe (corset+stuffed up nose and lungs was not a smart idea on my part). saw some good cosplays and hung out with friends. made a fellow bjd collector quite happy by restringing her doll for her. he's a cute leekeworld doll - one of the msd/fashion doll sized ones that they no longer make. the highlight of the day was getting an autograph from mitsuishi kotono. :D

saturday started off with the return of mana's butler. :D grell cosplay was donned and off i went to assist kireix in her finishing prep for a day of being beautiful as mana. i was supposed to meet up with a group for photos, but could not get in touch with them, so no photos happened. sad, but i was over being grell about half way through the day since there were about a billion grells at the con and i was sick of my wig trying to escape. XD so off for a change and making some sandwiches. mmmm sandwiches. back to con in pretty new rocking horse shoes and much fun was had with friends. bought another pair of rocking horse shoes in a different style and yet another camilla d'errico print. went to this year's zapp brannigan's spaceship of love. total hilarity! finished out the night hanging with friends and having a good time.

sunday came all too soon. doll panels were had. many questions answered. lots of advertisement done. the rest of the day was spent chilling and relaxing and just generally coming down from the con craziness.overall the best end to a fun and packed weekend. :)

i didn't get many photos...not sure if i have any that are even usable. i kinda missed a bunch of the cosplays due to the overwhelming amount of final fantasy, black butler and zelda cosplays, as well as all of the kigurumis. there were also a ton of panty and stocky cosplays. there were some really great cosplays that i did see that i wish i would have taken the time to stop and take photos of. oh well, wasn't feeling the photo vibe this time. (plus when i really tried, i got rebuffed. there was a lot of jerkiness at the con this year. -_- )

oh yeah, a package arrived just in time for con on thursday night containing winter's new indigo fer and caribou's head! :D now i just need to get everything done for uncanny dream and then i can mod her and paint her up! :)

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