March 27, 2011

rip dwj

it's amazing that the thing to make me cry for the first time in over a year is this blog post by neil gaiman about the passing of diana wynne jones. i never knew her personally, i wish that i could have. i've one of her books that's been sitting here waiting for me to read it for a bit now, in fact. her books have always been inspired and inspiring and she has been one of my favorite authors to read (and re-read) since i was young. her passing marks the close of yet another chapter in the tome of great authors.

rest in peace, diana. i hope that whatever afterlife you believed in has welcomed you warmly. know that the little pieces of yourself that you have shared with the world will continue to blossom and spread dreams in the minds of those they touch. you inspired at least one young girl to dream of magic and to believe that even the outcasts can be heroes after all. thank you. <3

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