March 21, 2012

on ouat theories

so there are a bunch of ouat theories out there that i’ve been reading since the last episode that seem to be focusing on rumplestiltskin knowing something more than someone normally would, on the potions being either part of the curse or not, and on snow and charming being the key in that their true love is what rumple was able to bottle. there’s also the timeline someone put together of the eps in chronological order according to the fairytale storyline (sorry, forgot where it is as i saw it right after skin deep). the point was made that in the chronological story rumple becomes more miserable and more of an alcoholic as the story progresses. i don’t generally put out my own theories on things, but i’ve been thinking a lot about these things…

March 15, 2012

photographic annoyances

so i was just looking at some threads on doa and, in a couple of them, people were talking about their photography. one person said their photos weren't "professional" and apologized. i assume that the reasoning is that the photos have no backdrop or setting aside from the kitchen table, etc. do people not realize that their photos aren't actually professional unless they are themselves a professional photographer? do people not realize that professional means that it is your profession? your job? seriously. snapshots are okay when you just want to show something off. photography is a hobby for most people. within the bjd hobby it is an attendant hobby. you don't have to take pro style shots. hell, most of the photos that people think of as professional aren't really all that close in my opinion.

March 13, 2012

to that final frontier...

i just watched a video of neil de grasse tyson talking about nasa and its budget. the whole time i sat here trying not to be sad because we have basically pulled out of the space race.

March 7, 2012

just a quick note...

just a quick note to say that i'm still alive. i've not really been doing much other than looking for a new job, wasting time online, and reading books lately. there's a bunch of things i should probably do, but i just don't. that includes things that i really should have done some time ago but just can't seem to muster up the motivation for. the 21st marked year 4 come and gone. never did get around to taking year 3 pictures. anyway...