June 30, 2012


i'm sure by now everyone has heard about how dollshe is doing yet another sale - this time as a staged final sale of his current sculpts. it's up to interpretation what it means: the end of dollshe? new sculpts and discontinuation of the current line? discontinuation of the current line, but possibly a return of the old "temporarily discontinued" sculpts? an entire revamp? who knows, dollshe is capricious. all i know is that i am finally getting one of my dream dolls: van.

van is gorgeous. he's classic. he's a sculpt that i've never really thought i would have the chance to ever get. i got to hold one last year at uncanny. it was one of those moments where you can't believe that the person just handed you their doll with no qualms. i'm usually the person doing the handing, not the one being handed the doll, so it was an odd experience. i couldn't help but stare at him. there was no question that i would be getting him when i found out he was up for sale. i can forgo other dolls easily, but this one i am very happy that i do not have to make the hard decision to not get.

i know that i already have a lot of dolls. van will make 47. most of my sd sized dolls are floating heads, only two of my minifee are, an unoa, and one tiny. i need to get bodies, though for most i am waiting in the hopes that fairyland releases a 60cm body, and re-releases both the chicline and feeple70 bodies. however, i don't tend to buy dolls willy-nilly. there is a feeling when it is right to bring a doll home. it can be hard when there are many limiteds or event dolls all around the same time, but somehow it works out and, if it is meant to be, i buy a doll. they may not be completed right away, but i wouldn't give any of them up. i look forward to van arriving and being able to spend my time deciding how he will look exactly.

okay, time to go back to dreaming about how to make him look and what clothing to find for him...

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