February 14, 2012

PSA: valentine's edition

debated posting this to fb, but decided to post here instead so as to avoid the shitstorm it might cause since i don't feel up to the drama:
"i know that this will make a few of you upset, but i'm sick of seeing my friends rag on valentine's day. i can guarantee that my day was worse than yours in which you had someone hug you and tell you they love you and treat you special. if you don't have a significant other, your wallowing pity party isn't worth it."

today was my birthday. most people posted "happy birthday" to my fb wall - an act which takes only a few seconds and was only prompted by seeing that someone else had done so. most of my face to face human interaction involved me nearly getting walked on in open spaces (three times within 10 minutes!). i've received only two presents this year - one from a friend, one from my parents - and no cards. a lot of people i know would be tragic drama llamas if that was all they got.

i know i don't advertise my birthday much, but i usually am depressed about it because i rarely have anything happen that's for me, nor have i had any special valentine's with a boyfriend ever - and yet i don't tend to publicly bemoan/bitch/look for pity by posting about it. yes, this year i've bitched about it a bit more openly. my excuse is that i'm under enough stress with other things that i just don't give a fuck and something has to give.

this post is the most i've written about it and i am not asking for any response in return, hence posting it here instead of to fb. i say all of this not because i want to be all "look at me! woe is me!" but to illustrate a point: you had other options today other than being pissy that you're single or didn't get some grand romantic gesture from the one you love. get off your high horse and think about others for a minute and maybe take the time to realize that today isn't all about you being treated like the most precious thing in the world or getting to hate on couples and love.


SillyLady said...

"Drama Llamas" XD Love it!! I don't think I've ever heard that term, but I think it easily is on my top picks.

As for the point of this, I agree. I think this holiday gets more flack than the others, but I just enjoy it for all the hearts I find around XD

Big hugs for you! Just because ^_^

fenris said...

lol yeah, no clue when i started using that term - but it suits sooo much. XD

i agree about the holiday getting more flack than others. i don't care why people say it was created, it has roots that run deeper than a lot of people realize. plus it's nice to have a holiday that's about silly things like love. ;)