March 6, 2011

unhappiness for the con

putting this under the cut because i'm angry and it needs to be read in full and not just in part...

i'm gonna fucking cut a bitch. serious. pretty sure this bitch is the same person i talked, background: our local anime con is coming up in april. i put in to do an intro to bjd panel and an advanced bjd panel. i was contacted two weeks ago by the panels coordinator saying that someone else had put in for bjd panels and had asked them to forward along their email addy to me for contact before they decided if they wanted to continue or withdraw. at the same time, i was told that i had applied first and so was tentatively scheduled (they're still ironing out the times for things). well, i was nice and wrote to the person. they responded and i took a little to get back to them because i didn't want to sound like a bitch in telling them that i'm covering everything. i had thought they sounded a little self-important in their response to me since they'd said that they do the bjd 101 and 201 panels, but i know for a fact that the panel(s) have been given by different people the past several years.

more over, the panels last year sucked balls according to everything i was told, and i had a feeling this person was one of the presenters last year. so yeah, i tried to let them down easy, said what wouldn't be covered would be demos other than restringing and how to make clothes for your dolls. they responded that it seems we're planning the same things, so they'd bow out. now, tonight, i log in to doa to check up on things and find that someone has posted to the meets thread for the con that there's going to be four panels at the con and they've put in for saturday to do two and someone else will be doing two but they don't know when. i started to get suspicious...then i logged into resin+ only to find that the person who joined this evening has posted nearly the same exact thing in the meets thread there! different user name, same person. this time they go and say exactly that they're doing an intro to bjd and an advanced bjd panel. they make a point of saying that they're doing demos that [i]include[/i] restringing. they say [i]specifically[/i] that the person doing the other two panels will be doing the same things.

at this point, i'm fairly certain that it is the same person that i was speaking with before. and i'm BEYOND PISSED OFF that the bitch would turn around and do this. i feel like i'm now being set up for failure. like they're trying to overshadow my panels with their own because they've suddenly jumped into the con meet threads and said that and are, imo, acting like they know better than the girl planning the meets. (they told her that a meet after the con on sunday would be a bad thing because of people like her who need to pack up to go home. didn't consider that the locals and some staying until monday may want to meet up.)

anyway, i'm angry. i don't want my panels to fail, but i'm insecure enough that i'm afraid they will. i'm afraid that people will only go to her panels and not give mine a chance. here i was, thinking that the other person had dropped out, and they've done the opposite of what they said. i wanted to wait until the con schedule was up to officially announce the panels so i could give times and location. now that's gone out the door. *sigh* am i just being overly paranoid and reactive to this? T_T


Anonymous said...

(this is reaperofleaves on r+ & DOA, randomly found your blog! ^^) I would be livid about that situation/person if it were me. >.< They're being completely ridiculous and should have bowed out since you got your panels in first. Is it still able to be discussed with those running Saku Con or is that final? Hopefully we can boycott this other person's panels or something. I want to go to yours anyways! Good luck and don't stress to much. I can't wait to go and see everyone's awesome dolls. XD

fenris said...

aww! thanks for the supper reaperofleaves! :)

i'm not as fired up as when i wrote this, but am still quite disgruntled. unfortunately, i can't do anything about it at this point and just have to go with it. i'm hopeful that my panels will still be a draw even if they may come after this other person's.

dhawktx said...

Hi, I would be more ticked off at the organizer/coordinator for letting this happen. There is no NEED for duplicate, competing panels and it simply takes up space that could have been used for DIFFERENT BJD discussions. We so rarely get a chance to do more than BJD 101 at Cons.

fenris said...

they got put on friday evening when they'd said they put in for time on saturday. the con is a HUGE con and bjds are not well known. it is possible that she told them it was different than i would be doing and thus got time. either way, i have a block of 3.5 hours of programming with an additional hour for history of bjd by a friend! ^_^