September 20, 2009


haet just because I am currently on a metro that was nearly 20 minutes late. yeah, thanks metro for being so reliable. :/

anyway...I have been working out my fairyland order for the autumn event and it looks like I will be getting all of the event items!!! I'm still kinda surprised about it, but am rather happy. I will be getting both Ari heads on the a-line muscle boy body, Marcia, and Bonnie. I will also be ordering a number of wigs, shoes, and clothing. I'm very excited to place the order and then get it all! I probably won't get anything until around thanksgiving at the soonest. soooooooooo happy!!!!! :D

omg I forgot that the tunnel is open this late at night!!! so weird! I'm still used to it not being open on Sundays and closing early the rest of the week!

okay. up from the tunnel and waiting for the bus up the hill. hopefully this one isn't late...gods I don't want to work in the morning! T_T

ah well. I suppose I shouldn't complain too much about working as it means I have money for my fl order and for paying off bygg. also means I have some money for the first weekend of next month when friends come to visit! excited for that as it means hanging out and having fun!!! but then I still have to decide if I will be heading up to visit them at Halloween since I don't know yet if I would have the funds to spare or whatnot. *sigh* decisions, decisions!

if anyone is actually reading this, yes I <3 my iPhone so much! so happy for entertainment while I wait for the buses and such. this bus - thankfully - is only five minutes late. :)

anyway. today I hung out with a friend and had a fun time playing dolls and shopping. ended up getting some cute little gargoyles at target to use for photoshoots and the Halloween meet. I still need to get some stuff together and figure out how to dress everyone. I don't think I'll take more than two of the big dolls...probably just winter and maybe fierahn. maybe I'll take Chester as well...

well...crazy commute home is nearly done, so this is getting posted right now!

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