September 15, 2009

glitter fits

yeah...title makes no sense on purpose. so what? today has been one of those days. i know i haven't blogged in a while, but it's not like it matters all that much as maybe - maybe - only one or two people ever look at this thing other than me.

so yeah. work was spectacular fail of tired and too many calls. people lately are just being asses. over the last month the trend has been to be angrier than normal, whiny, and now back to just stupid and angry and refusing to listen. i really love when someone asks me something that i can't answer because they won't give me info. yeah, thanks buddy, make me feel like a jerk and an idiot all because you don't know what you're looking for!!!!! (such has been my life for the past few weeks it seems...people need to f*cking chill out.)

new eyes for my amber and for persephone arrived yesterday. tried to put persephone's in her tonight and met with spectacular fail. her eye wells are quite shallow and flat, so apparently regular sizing doesn't matter. :| dunno if it is something done by her prior owner or if that's simply how she was originally. so now i have to try and find eyes that have the right look and are bigger. yay. joy. f*ck. amber's eyes are a perfect color. now i just hope that she comes soon and they fit. *sigh*

up side: finally got an iphone. yay!!! so happy with it and it's sad that it's quickly become quite indispensable. i love it and am having far too much fun with it.

also have ordered bygg. getting just the doll with nothing else and totally looking forward to him. i have a pair of eyes in antique gold sparkles that i thought were a different color when i ordered them that will be his. already also have a faceup artist lined up to work on him because she ever so excitedly clasped her hands and looked at me all hopefully and said how much she wants to work on one. i've wanted her to work on one of my dolls someday, so am more than happy that she would like to work on bygg. that being said, he's going to be a complete surprise to me because i'm going to shove him at her and let her do whatever she wants. :)

next up is the fairyland order. i'm going to do this on layaway despite not really wanting to. but, well, paycheck doesn't match up quite right and don't want to chance it what with bills and all. so i will be getting probably more than i normally would just because i can. *sigh* not the best thing, buuuuut i've several dolls wanting to come home now instead of later. >_< no one has ari, and i'm not too in love with her, but i have an idea for the open eye head and am going to try modding the eyes on the sleeping head. so yeah, we'll see how that goes. other than that, i've been trying to decide between marcia, bonnie, and choco rose...i may end up getting all three or just two in addition to the ari on the boy body. can't wait. i'm gonna be buried in dolls!

*sigh* along the same lines, i went and opened my mouth and told people in the mnf discussion on doa that there probably won't be a regular release breakaway since, well, everyone was being all "omg i hope they do! they probably will since they're responding how they always do!" someone even thought there was a rumor that there would be one. so yeah. stupid me to express a non-popular opinion and to back it up with facts. stupid me to point out that there are event heads that have not been released as regular ones. stupid me to say that they fl always says "we have no plans at this time". stupid f*cking me to say that they have stated that the breakaway releases are limited time editions of him that will happen from time to time. i have now been informed by multiple people that they are more likely to do so based on: woosoo; saying they have no plans for it; releasing el/lishe/chiwoo/shiwoo/flora as ltf; and choco pukis not being limited. hmm....let's see.....breakaway has precident. the original delf woosoo was a limited release once and they made the decision much much later to do a regular mnf release (regular woosoo, and the woosoo vamps). saying they have no plans for it does not mean that they will/do have plans to release something. the release of el, lishe, chiwoo, shiwoo and flora as ltf happened, yes, after them saying they had no plans to release any of the molds existing in other sizes as ltf. however, people were all over fl about it right from the first ltf preorder. plus, aside from flora, those are signature dolls that they already had in two of the three general size categories. not a surprise at all that they made ltf versions of them. as for the person who said the thing about the choco pukis...*eyeroll* they said that they were difficult to make and were releasing 50 (of each i think) in the first batch and would release as possible otherwise bt would not guarantee further release depending on the difficulty level. as for me stating that breakaway has precedent? he's been released more than once: 2005 release, special fullset release, 2008 release, feeple release. plus, during the hoopla with the feeple release, fl stated point blank that they always intend the various releases of breakaway to be limited time releases (indicating that luts made the delf ones limited in number as opposed to limited over a period of time).

then there's the business aspect. breakaway is a desired sculpt in all his variations. the 2008 breakaway sold out in less than 10 or 20 minutes. the feeple versions sold out quickly as well. as has been pointed out numerous times, fl listens to their customers and tends to try and please them, yes, but that doesn't mean that they're going to do everything that everyone wants them to do. even though this breakaway release is an event head, there's still the money aspect to it. fl is making a lot of sales thanks to people wanting to get him in the limited time he's available. breakaway brings in the money pure and simple. i'd think it would be a bad move to make a regular version that is readily available. laws of supply and demand, duh. plus it would be harder to do and sell different versions - at least that's what i think.

also, i think he'll be treated like nanuri or juri. there was no nanuri this year due to other events, so i'm thinking he's taking the place of it. i wouldn't be surprised if fl continues a pattern of nanuri in may/june, breakaway in september, and juri in december/january. that said, no i am not ruling out the possibility that they may release him as a regular non-scar sculpt in the a la carte (since that's where you have to order the basic versions of all the newer releases).

whatever. i should just get over it i suppose. but still...hectic day, then this. *sigh* not my day.

i need to get more msc before the fl order arrives so that i can go ahead and do everyone up when they get here. then i can spam the hell out of ari and maybe try to start something. meh. no one has her so it'll be nice to be different. :)

anyway...i need to get pictures off of my camera cards...over a gig of new photos to go through and prep for showing off. plus i have a number of shoots to get prepped and up to show off. *sigh* sooooon! i finally have some free time (kinda) on the weekends!!! but that also means i need to get sewing and crafting. i have the box show coming up in december that i need to get my box done up for. and i want to make a friend a cake hat. oh...and i need to make stuff for halloween and possibly start on some stuff to sell at innosera or something this next year....augh! it never ends, does it? ^_^*

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