September 28, 2013

on new phones

so, all i want is a new phone. i've had mine for four years and was going to get a new one last year until my brother took my upgrade (one of the few times i've given in on something, mostly because i just wasn't in the mood to argue). so i put off getting one as i would need to use my dad's upgrade, but we kept not having time when i was home and i decided to wait for the next version as there were some things i did not like about the newest out at the time.

now here i am and i can't get the phone i want because no one has it in stock. i don't want the phone so that i can have the newest gadget that's all bright and shiny and use it as a status symbol - i want the fucking thing because my current phone needs to be replaced. what happens, though? no one knows when they'll get one in a shipment because they are sent random boxes of things. (yes, yes, supply and demand and all that total cock of bs.) the assholes of the world are allowed to walk into a store and purchase more than five phones so that they can then go and resell at outrageous prices. the stores can't reliably get anything in. i'm left in a bitchy mood for the past week because i can't get myself a phone. ordering online is out because of the hassle that would cause with the phone numbers involved in the upgrade and not wanting to change our service agreement.


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