November 19, 2010


i just saw the midnight showing of harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1. i froze in line waiting for it, was in the background of a bunch of media shots, and had random weird little convos with the people around me. they gave us free popcorn while we waited. i froze. i waited from 730 until they finally let us in at just before 11pm. still confused as to why they only had one ticket taker. there's display cases with costumes now...they have a tron outfit. i'm so tired. i walked home because it was too late for a bus. some stupid girl and her boyfriend were behind me on the up hill portion of the trek. they kept being stupid talking about the movie. then they got in front of me about half way up and i pretty much got an eyeful of gross fat ass and panties. right where my natural spot of focus is to boot, so it was hard to walk along all tired and have to concentrate on looking elsewhere. the movie was great. i can't wait for the next one. yes, this was a total coincidence that i have friday off. i took it off for a day of getting some things sorted out, and then realized about a week later that the hp premier and reopening of the cinerama was tonight. total added bonus. especially since i'd not been to a midnight premier in ages. the last time was probably some other harry potter movie or was the last lotr one. i can't remember. i sleep now.

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