May 18, 2009

the void

so i read back over what i posted last night to try and see what was bugging me when i wrote about the void the dolls fill. now that i'm more awake, i think i can better describe this void.

i wasn't really into dolls as a child. my mom has mentioned this several times since i introduced her to the fact that i own dolls now as an adult and am a collector. i've never understood how people play with dolls. i mean, i guess i played with dolls as a child...but i don't really remember playing with them with other kids that much. i remember not being able to grasp how to interact via the dolls - mostly barbies of course - and create a story with other kids. things had to be more involved, i wanted the dolls to pose better and to be able to do more with them. frustration with non-bendable legs or barbie's famous won't-stay-bent-enough legs is something i remember a lot of. also the fact that most dolls were poorly made or you couldn't get clothing for. i still have all of my dolls. even the barbies with the early neck pieces that allowed them to look any direction but tended to break the necks. nearly all of them were gifts from family and have sentimental value to the point that i can't bring myself to part with them. store bought toys were always a result of holidays or birthdays. always something of great circumstance. these were moments you planned for weeks in advance - unlike most of my friends who's parents would simply buy them what they wanted most times.

year one

i really should have put this up a few months ago, but i've been busy and majorly slacking. i've got tons of photos to get processed and up. *sigh* hopefully soon!!!

anyway. february 21st was the one year anniversary of winter's arrival (along with azerian's head) here. i must say, looking back it still surprises me how into this hobby i am. :) one year in and i've already gotten one of each size and obtained two of my dream dolls. i've been having such a great time and have even gained new friends within the hobby. these dolls really do fill a void that i'd been searching to fill for years. repeated tries with barbies and their ilk did not yield the results i wanted and i am so happy!

ugh...anyway...gonna ramble all night if i'm not careful. ;) on to the pictures from the anniversary!!!