May 30, 2008

last quarter brings the arrival of a dream

so i've wanted a juri '06 since they came out and, a few weeks ago, i was presented with the chance to adopt a beautiful girl from the marketplace on doa. she arrived home on the 28th and has captured my heart. i was a little worried before she arrived because i was questioning if i really loved the sculpt enough to enjoy having her. yeah, glad it was only 2nd thought nerves! :D

funny thing...i'd missed getting one that would have had a body that was made at the same time as the head and would have matched, plus it was blank and there would have been a lishe head as well (with faceup). and just earlier the very evening that my juri went up for sale, i'd been seriously debating getting a head with a custom faceup for a few hundred. but i just couldn't bring myself to do so. then she pops up. she was up about an hour by the time that i saw her. i debated all of a few minutes, was totally squealing over her, and status didn't help at all...that jerk. ;P

anyway! without further ado, please help me welcome persephone! onto the opening pictures!

big box:

that gorgeous golden delf box:



first peek:

delicate manicure:

so pretty even without a wig or outfit:


the juri '06 smirk!

i didn't expect to be getting an sd sized doll until a few months from now at the soonest. much less a girl. but she just called out to me and that was that! strangely enough, i'd just purchased 2 doll heart outfits the week before... :|

she's not a lolita, but seems to like looking cute:

winter: don't let azerian know that he has to wait another month for his body...

and probably my favorite picture of the entire night:

sooo yeah. really happy. plus now i have a second doll. oh my...and yes, i did spend the money i was thinking about using to get az a body...oh well, he'll get over it. ^_^

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