January 30, 2009

pixie dust

winter got a new body the weekend before last. i'm now so majorly in love with the active line body...i think i may have gotten a bit carried away with the double jointed goodness! ^_^* title courtesy of jennynemesis. enjoy!


January 22, 2009

deceptively cute

new dresses and wigs arrived this past weekend for my girls necessitating a photo shoot. they look so sweet here...yet their sweet demeanors hide what devilish little imps they truly are...

enjoy :)


January 19, 2009

quiet smiles

it's been quite some time since i had the chance to take pictures of persephone - in no small part because i've been using her body for idyllwylde the past several months. i think that she's so happy to be back on her body that she doesn't even mind that she had to wear a frilly dress...hope you all enjoy! :)


January 11, 2009

i've been soomed!!!

yup...i fell into the heliot trap...so now i've pushed around a few doll order plans for this month and put my order in on friday. *le sigh* i've no clue who he'll be or anything. so far i think i want his nickname to be eli...short for what, i don't know yet. elias, elian, elliott, eolian, elijah, eliam...i keep coming up with more and more...but no clue where he's going character-wise. oh, i'm getting him with a faceup on his romantic head (the one with the horn).

now i just need to order from fairyland next weekend so i can get the juri event head and azerian's body. mostly i just need to get az's body 'cause i now have a spot with lynsey to get him a faceup!!!! :D sooooo freakin' happy about that one. i was in her recent lotto and didn't get pulled...but she ended up opening 10 first come, first served spots a few days later and i got the last one! yeah, my new years day was full of joy. ^_^ so now he needs a body and i think i need to get ready for a dollmore order so the boys have clothes...

also found out yesterday that the planet spirit deneb from last year really was the first monthly zodiac doll (at least, the soom store japan has her posed with the rest of the monthly zodiac dolls...). so now i don't know if they will do another one this year or not which is a little disappointing since i didn't know about her until after (that i recall) so didn't get her and, well, was planning on getting the aquarius doll...maybe they'll do opposite genders this year? *hopes*

January 2, 2009

the new face of chester

so i finished off chester's eye mods wednesday night and did a faceup for him...the little grump already flew face first into my keyboard and botched it, but i'm gonna be redoing it anyway, so no big deal. i think i need a little bit browner chalk pastel instead of the redder one...makes him look kinda sunburned... >_<